
Persuasive Essay On Sex Trafficking

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Sex trafficking is becoming more and more of a problem as time moves on. Sex trafficking is the recruitment, harbouring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act, in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion [Internet Safety 101]. Sex trafficking is increasing due to the evolution of modern day social services and sources. From safety sources, it is the 2nd fastest growing criminal industry [Internet Safety 101]. More and more sex trafficking is coming about due to the evolution of the internet and the improved ability of gps tracking. Through internet, social media also causes many problems for ability to find people and try to be their friend, it is providing …show more content…

Social media is causing problems towards finding people and trying to make them their friend, which is creating fake people. Dating sites, Instagram, Snapchat, and many other social sites can have people hide themselves and say their someone they aren't to lure in victims to sex trafficking. Said by safety sites, a sex trafficker can be anyone you know, it could be anyone in your community, they target younger, in terms of social media, because they aren't as smart and could be depressed or vulnerable and need someone there for them. They talk to these victims through a relationship, to hope to meet in person and do what they set out for from the start. They scout who they are looking for, then they promise things in the relationship, manipulate, and then trap whoever they are out after [Internet Safety 101]. Social media also brung in the idea of providing information on where all your “friends” are on some sites or apps so you know exactly where they are. Snapchat has introduced a bit ago the feature to be able to see where someone is based on the last time they were on Snapchat, and for some people, someone could basically track them. The problem these days have people really worry about who is around and doesn't let anyone see some accounts, so put them on private, because there's to

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