
Persuasive Essay On Spanking A Child

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Ponder this; you are a parent with only a seven year old child. Your child continues to perform an act that you told them to stop doing, because they have already done it three times before. You have had enough and decided to discipline your child in a way different from a stern discussion. You decide to spank your child. Would you consider the spanking a form of child discipline, or would you consider it child abuse? Are you expecting your child to learn from this disciplinary action, or are you spanking your child because you enjoy knowing that you are in control and that you quite possibly may be injuring your child?
According to Prevent Child Abuse North Dakota, “The goal of discipline is to create an orderly, predictable, stable, and fun world to enjoy and grow healthy.” When it comes to discipling a child, there are many different courses of action that could be taken. Parents can and should discipline their children (Smenyak). There is a large controversy over the most universal discipline method there is, spanking. Many parents believe that spanking their child can be a beneficial way of correcting a child if done correctly (Smenyak). Other parents believe that spanking a child is simply abuse, that it does not work, or that “Spanking plants a seed for later violent behavior,” says
One very simple word that describes discipline is training. A child is not born with the knowledge of what is acceptable or expected. A parent must invest their own time and patience while showing love and exemplary behavior while molding their children into becoming well behaved (Child Abuse vs. Discipline). Being a parent is a hard enough job already, but when it comes to being a parent having to discipline your child, it becomes much harder. It takes time for a child to learn and process new behaviors, and this is a reason a parent must not have a short fuse when it comes to discipling their children.
When it comes to discipline, people will either agree that discipline is a crucial way for a child to learn the rules and gain values, or that discipline is abuse. Discipline is a parental response to a certain action that has been taken upon by their child. If a child is expected to do

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