
Persuasive Essay : The Benefits Of Recycling And Conservation

Decent Essays

Recycling and conservation are the solution to climate change and to saving energy. America sends a majority of its trash to landfills when it could be put to much better use by means of recycling or even by burning it to produce energy. Pollution is greatly reduced when recycling because the need to collect new raw materials goes down. Recycling is great because it can help people conserve this Earth for future generations who deserve to have a healthy Earth. Once the United Stated reaches recycling levels of 75%, it would be the equivalent of getting rid of fifty five million cars from the roads in the U.S. each year. As people living on the earth, its is very easy to recycle. It’s so easy that all you have to do is set your recycling bin outside for the weekly curbside pickup. However, there are also places you can go and take everything you wish to recycle and the recycling plant will even pay for your recycling. However it is not as convenient if you are not taking large amounts and just taking your weekly recycling supplies. A majority of items that are produced can always be recycled and used again. It is extremely easy for anyone to recycle and help the Earth. Recycling helps the Earth and environment more than the average person realizes. Conserving energy, or finding more efficient and more eco friendly ways of getting energy also helps keep the Earth healthy. If more people recycle and factories and industries reuse their materials, the hunt for more raw materials will not be as necessary and harmful to the Earth. A lot of materials are not reused and instead new materials have to be brought in and that wastes not only materials but energy too. Recycling steel could reduce energy uses by 60% and easily help conserve a lot of energy. A ton of companies use steel so it would not be very difficult to do. A form of recycling that is not very well known is burning trash instead of burying it the way we do in the U.S.. Sweden practices this concept and their theory is that the majority of the things they burn in the fire were part of the carbon cycle not very long ago so it is as if they are speeding up the carbon cycle without hurting their environment. This plan also is helpful

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