
Persuasive Speech About Recycling

Decent Essays

Imagine you wake up in 20 years and all you see out your window is trash lining the streets and roads. This is what is going to happen if we don’t start recycling now. If we all start recycling now we will have beautiful streets and roads not full of trash. I picked this topic because it is a worldwide problem and I think this topic can be solved. I was very curious about this topic and I wanted to know more about recycling.These are some driving questions I had at the beginning of this project. Why don’t a lot of people recycle? What is the most recycled item? Where is recycling a very big problem in the world? How can more people be involved with recycling? How many people and animals get affected by recycling every year? My driving question was how can we as people create a better recycling society. I believe that this problem can be solved because they have been starting to involve students in recycling in the lunchroom and around their school. In General I believe that people will start to see that we need to do more recycling when all of our backyards become landfills. Recycling doesn’t affect people that much, but it does affect wildlife and animals. Like the six pack rings, soda comes in, fish get caught in it and they die. Another thing is plastic bags get thrown into the ocean and turtles mistake it for jellyfish, eat it and die. Would you believe me if I told you that glass, aluminum, paper and plastic are not A report from the Federal Highway Administration shows that 80 percent of the asphalt that is removed each year during widening and resurfacing is reused. Recycling has been around for thousands of years, but we still need to recycle even though people thought of this a long time ago. A consequence is the New York City Landfill. The New york city landfill contains 2.9 billion cubic feet of trash. The new york city landfill can be seen from space. The new york landfill is one of the only things that can be seen from space. Another consequence is that farmers in Wisconsin and Minnesota are just now starting to recycle. Minnesota and Wisconsin farms produce 60 million to 80 million pounds of plastic every year, but until now they had no way to get rid of it besides throwing

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