
Persuasive Speech On Super Cars

Decent Essays

Koenigsegg Agera R, McLaren F1, Bugatti Veyron SS and Lamborghini Veneno. These are some of the best, most flashiest super cars out there, and cars that are the subject of envy among many. And who can blame these guys? These supercars that have defined a generation are known for their shocking sticker prices, thus making them status symbols, they move from 0 to 60 mph in a zip, and they get attention and any time, anywhere especially for local Casanovas. Because these trimmings and promises, many people dream about owning and driving a McLaren, a Koegnisegg or Lamborghini and enjoy the magical ride. But is it worth the hype, the attention and your time?

Sure, these supercars are flashy, hip and cool but only to a certain degree. When you …show more content…

Relish the experience and the looks coming from pedestrians and other drivers.

6.People on the streets will think you’re a jerk, a snob and one with w HUGE ego

What’s with supercar and the perception that its driver is a snobbish jerk? For the longest time, individuals who drive a supercar is considered a jerk and more bossy when compared with a driver of an old but reliable sedan. And according to one poll conducted by Paul K. Piff of the University of California, Berkeley, BMW drivers are most probably the most disliked drivers on the road. So what makes us, drivers of ultra-super cars a total jerk and dumb ass in the eyes of other drivers and pedestrians on the road?

There’s nothing scientific about supercar ownership, but there’s no denying that owning and driving one will change you- it changes your character and you instantly transform from a meek employee to an accomplished corporate executive with lots of swooning girls on the side.

7.All eyes on you, and almost everyone wants to be near your …show more content…

No problem with that; in fact getting this attention is exciting and great for the ego during the first few days of owning and driving the super car.

But if it happens every day, for months and even year, then that’s a problem. It can be truly annoying, if on your nth visit on the mall, the guard will ask you about its specs and features.

8.You’ll burn money for frequent expensive car wash

If you have one, then you should be ready for the expenses associated with car wash and related cleaning accessories. Supercars and dirt don’t go together, and you’ll be terribly sorry if an inch of dirt or smudge will ruin the look of your flashy super car.

If in case something ‘bad’ happened to your car- whether that’s a slight nick, scratch, dirt or small dent, then you have no choice but to order auto detailing for your beloved supercar. And this is not just your ordinary car detailing that costs $100- you’ll prepare at least $1,000, and that’s just for a single stage paint correction detail. Whatever the issue or requirement, the sure thing is that you’ll pay a premium, and your bank account will definitely take a

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