
Physical Environment Of Denmark

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Since the end of the last ice age, Denmark has gone from a small hunter- gatherer society, to a super power during the Viking era, and slowly transformed into what it is today. Although not considered a super power in today’s standards it is still a thriving society, with citizens that are some of the happiest in the world. This is possible due in large part to their economy. The Danish military is small but completely capable of defending itself while simultaneously providing support to its allies. The physical environment of Denmark plays a significant part in what has made the country successful. All of these things combined truly make Denmark a model to live by. Denmark is a country located in Europe with the capital being Copenhagen. It is comprised of land located on the peninsula known as Jutland, as well as several islands and hundreds of even smaller Islands, all of which are located east of Jutland in the Baltic Sea. Denmark shares its southern border with Germany, while Norway and Sweden are located to the north and east respectively. In addition to the mainland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands are territories of Denmark. However, they exercise home rule and govern themselves. Denmark’s physical environment makes it an ideal location for farming, fishing and utilizing natural resources. Just under 60 percent of the …show more content…

The physical environment allows them to utilize renewable energy, keeping costs down. Their fishing and farming industry is prosperous and provides them with additional money from exports. Their military, though small keeps their boarders secure and their NATO allies provide additional support if need be. Lastly, the economy gives them the ability to work less, spend more time with family and receive an education while not going into debt. This truly makes Danes some of the happiest in the world and a model

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