
Poetry Class Analysis

Decent Essays

In this class I do believe that I have grown at least somewhat as a writer. Now while my mechanics may not have improved (I still have problems with knowing where to put a comma and run-on-sentences) this course, at least how I viewed it, was never about that. It was focused on allowing students to channel their inner-creativity into something that could mean a lot while only saying a small amount. This is where I believe I have grown as they way in which I write poetry is far different that how I did before this class. Not only that, but there are some other changes that occurred, although they weren’t as significant, at least in my opinion they weren’t. Before this class the only type of poetry I wrote in recent years was either something that was intended to be heart-wrenching or comical. I only used these types of poems as I believed that I got the largest reaction from them and now I realize why that is. I received such a large reaction because of the way I read the poem out loud, but this class realized without me emphasizing the words how I want to …show more content…

However, at the same time it allowed for me (as well as others) to convey problems that we or others that we know have dealt with in a format that is not only acceptable, but encouraged. I enjoyed writing the dialogue scene as I have wrote many skits and mini-plays in my past before and it was nice to finally do that for a class (although it wasn’t as happy as I would have wrote my other pieces). The group presentation went rather smoothly in my opinion and part of that was how cooperative everyone in my group was. We all tried to work off of each other’s ideas and strengths and when it came time for me to present I was able to do what I typically do for all my presentations just with an added level of

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