
Political Structure Of Persepolis

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The old Persian city of Persepolis is located in the Fars province of modern-day Iran. Persian had a very diverse number of land formations, ranging from plateaus, rainforests, plains, deserts, and mountain ranges which each hold a unique balance of flora and fauna, and a climate that measures from hot and dry to moist and tropical. In a way, Persepolis depended on its surrounding ecosystems to help support its growth and prosperity. It was located near a dry land called the Marvdasht Plain and also close to the moist peaks of the Zagros Mountains, and it’s a piece of the Kur River Basin. Even the climate of the areas near Persepolis affected its business. For example, during the Iranian winter, the landscape would become murky and would be unable to navigate through. However, during the spring and summer seasons, the areas surrounding Persepolis would be clear and crossable, allowing the city to proceed in its everyday activity. Through vigorous research by archaeologists, it has been revealed that Darius I was responsible for a great amount of structures and periods of construction of Persepolis. In the time period that Darius I was working on Persepolis was in the years 518-490 B.C. (First period of construction) During the first phase of the construction of Persepolis, the monumental terrace was built, with the Apadana audience hall, and finally including the Treasury building complete with stairs on the eastern side that are used as an access point. Kings followed

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