
Pro Choice Vs Pro Life Essay

Decent Essays

The terms "pro-life" and "pro-choice" basically comes down to the question of whether a person wants to see abortion banned or not. But as black and white we may want it to be, there’s more to the debate (Head). The Roman Catholic Church and a wide-range of other religions disallows abortion, euthanasia, the death penalty and war (Head).When a person is “pro-life”, you can say that individual believes the government has an obligation to preserve all human life, despite intent, viability, or quality-of-life concerns (Head). So basically if a girl or woman was raped and got pregnant, it would be illegal to get an abortion. Another situation would be a pregnant woman’s life is at risk if she goes through with the pregnancy. That person would technically be fines or go to jail for wanting to save her own life as opposed to keeping the baby and possibly dying. …show more content…

When someone is "pro-choice”, that person wants independence with respect to their own reproductive systems as long as they do not violate the autonomy of others (Head). Pro-choice supporters assert strongly that celibacy and abstinence; Contraception use; Emergency contraception use; Abortion, for the first two trimesters of pregnancy; and Childbirth to remain legal (Head).I find it very disturbing that people are willing to abort a child from second trimester to child birth. I find it unethical and inhuman. Unless that mother has 90 percent chance of dying by keeping the child, they should then have the choice of going through with it or getting an abortion. I personally think if someone wants to have an abortion because they were careless, there should be a limit on the timing. Even if it was a rape-related situation, I would still consider the facts: By 21 to 25 days, the baby’s heart starts beating (Spuc). Most people of religion will associate this with life and say that’s when the fetus becomes a person. But the heart only pumps

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