
Prostitution And Prostitution

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Within the research surrounding sex trafficking and its relation to prostitution, an important question is: do different laws and policies on prostitution have a noticeable effect on human trafficking? Which is more likely to decrease sex trafficking: decriminalization of prostitution or strict enforcement of anti-prostitution laws? The literature suggests that decriminalizing prostitution may lead to better working conditions for a minority of workers, however legalization can lead to higher rates of sex trafficking. Along with this, other identity factors such as age and immigration status limit any positive impact legalizing prostitution may have on reducing sex trafficking. The research highlights the different ways in which women enter into the field of prostitution. In relation to sex trafficking, not all women who are sex trafficked are simply kidnapped and directly forced into prostitution. According to Leuchtag, a scholar and social worker in this field of study, many women are coerced into sex slavery through different means of manipulation. Often, distributors of sex slaves will claim there is a work opportunity in a nearby region doing manual labor, such as working on a farm. Though the context may seem risky, women who are in great economic distress will often take such ambiguously titled jobs in order to send money to their families. These women only find out after they have accepted the job offer the reality of their situation. Other women are kidnapped and

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