
Prostitution In Meand

Good Essays

Chapter One
The authors began the first chapter by introducing a poignant and eye-opening story of a woman named Meena, who was sold for sex and forced to have children who would suffer the same fate. Meena spoke on how she was kidnapped and trafficked at the delicate age of eight or nine. Meena was kept in a separate building from the brothel until she was mature enough to be attractive to potential customers. Like Rath, Meena fought back, her instincts of self-preservation kicking in. Through all of the beating inflicted upon her, Meena still refused to sell herself for sex, until finally she was drugged and raped. Meena then stated that she was already "wasted", and so she no longer fought her customers. The authors then revealed a shocking …show more content…

When Nick, one of the authors, asked a police officer why pirating DVDs was a more important matter to address than human trafficking, he replied by stating that prostitution is inevitable, and that it keeps the "good girls" in India safe. The authors then stated that if western countries were to overtly show their disapproval of slavery as they do for the distribution of pirated DVDs, then India would consequently dispatch people to halt traffickers. While measures are being taken by members of congress, it seems as though the parties are working separately, even though unifying the efforts would make them more effective. It seems as though the most favorable approach to ending sex trafficking is by cracking down, but also by providing job training and drug rehabilitation in order to decrease the chances that a freed woman would return voluntarily, due to being stigmatized or an addict searching for the drug they desire. To prove this, an example was given of Sweden and the Netherlands, both countries with different approaches to limiting sex trafficking and AIDS. The Netherlands legalized and regulated prostitution while Sweden cracked down and treated prostitutes more as victims than criminals. Ten years after the methods were put into place, Sweden reported having a 41% decrease in prostitutes, while the Netherlands showed almost no change. While preventing sex trafficking has proven to be a challenging yet important task, it is also important to take into account the effort required to rescue a girl from a brothel. Two girls, Srey Neth and Srey Momm were prostitutes from separate brothels, and were rescued and returned to their families. Although they had fairly similar experiences, Momm returned to her brothel due to her addiction to meth. Even though she hated the brothel, her “owners” had an insurance policy in

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