
Proud's Poem 'Right Time Thoughts'

Decent Essays


"... it's more than just missing them

I feel empty without them . I feel alone without them.

I feel like I'm stuck in a room that's getting smaller

and smaller

but I can't do anything about it. I can't ask for help. I can't call out to them. I can't..

I don't have them in my life anymore.



The people I thought would always.. always be here.. are gone. The people who knew me. And I mean.. truly knew me, are gone.
The ones who made me laugh at their jokes to where my stomach ached.

The ones who I allowed myself to hurt for, but still loving no matter what,



The people to whom I was so comfortable with and let myself go away with and just be me when I was with them,


gone. …show more content…

And nothing can make it better. Nothing can fix it. Nothing could ever bandage it up. No amount of words or sympathy could fix it. It's just something that can't be put away.. we have to feel it in order to overcome it.
And I gotta deal with it. Now that everything's over, now that everyone is gone. Day in and day out I keep it bottled up. And everything is okay. No collateral damage...
...But when I had them.. when I had my people... they would allow themselves to be my collateral damage. No matter what.. they let themselves be that for me. They always listened. They always cared. They always comforted. They took on everything I had to say.. they were my people. Now I don't have anyone to be my collateral damage. Im being that for myself.

And thats the thing, when you're the strong one, no one offers up a hand.

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