
Puritans And Pilgrims In The New England Colonies

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Puritans and Pilgrims settled in the New England colonies of Massachusetts, Rode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire. The Puritans came to seek religious freedom and new settlements and to escape the religious persecution they were facing in England. The colonies in New England had sandy coasts with assessable ports, forest hills, and flat woodlands. The soil was thin and rocky which was bad for farming. Lumbering, trading, shipbuilding, fishing, and whaling were all common occupations in the New England colonies. Slavery was allowed In the New England colonies, however very few people had slaves. The soil made it difficult to grow crops, so most colonist had small independent farms they could care for on their own, the colonist only grew enough food to feed their families and didn't' have enough to feed slaves. ( The New England colonist was self-governed. The government was highly influenced by religion. When New England sailed over, they found a developed region with a lot of Native Americans. The English and Native Americans didn't get along very well. The English people thought Native Americans were inferior on how they lived. The English people got farming and other skills from the Native people. The four Middle Colonies were New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. English Quakers originally settled in the Middle Colonies. People from France, Holland, Germany, Sweden, Finland,

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