
Rachel Carson Silent Spring Quote

Better Essays

Chase kaltner

The world is being sickened by the needs of man in today's society. People, love to live in luxury without knowing the consequences of their actions. This is because man lives at a pace set by himself, and not one that is naturally set by nature. This is shown excellently in a quote inside of the novel Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. The Quote states, “the rapidity of change and the speed with which new situations are created follow the impetuous and heedless pace of man rather than the deliberate pace of nature.” The Earth is experiencing such rapid and disastrous change due to the wants of man. Man demands too much from the earth and not only is this changing the Earth, but it is also depleting many non renewable resources …show more content…

“ Without soil, land plants as we know them could not grow, and without plants no animals could survive”(53). This quote shows the great importance of one of our most important resources soil. “Perhaps the most important organisms in the soil, are the smallest-the invisible hosts of bacteria and threadlike fungi”(54). And, this quote shows how important the small organisms are. These include bacteria, fungi, and insects, which play such are large roll in life and are commonly being overlooked. One way they are being overlooked is by having chemicals sprayed on them and no one wonders what will happen. Well, if you are spraying chemicals to kill insects, it is most definite that the insects, such as earthworms, are going to be killed as well. These organisms are what make our soil so fertile, and without them we won’t be able to grow as much food. That being said, if we continue to plague the organisms of the soil with chemicals eventually, we will have less soil. We will no longer be able to grow as much crop due to this and we will not sustain the same lifestyle that we had …show more content…

This is shown very well in Silent spring. “So to the potentially dangerous dangerous fumes from gasoline are to the finely divided particles of whatever insecticide the probably unsuspecting suburbanite has chosen to distribute, raising the level of air pollution above his own grounds to something few cities could equal” (177). This is an excellent example of humans ecological footprint. We as humans have many things that operate on many non renewable resources that are leaving a harmful effect on the environment. This is done by the use of fossil fuels. When fossil fuels such as gasoline are burned they produce co2. This is very harmful because the co2 becomes trapped in the atmosphere. This thickens the atmosphere in a sense, and does not allow heat to escape as easily. This is what is thought to be causing global warming, and could lead to some disastrous changes. This includes rising sea levels, heating of the surface of the ocean,possible changes in ocean circulation, possible effects on the habitats of animals,etc. All of this is due to us burning fossil fuels so it would be known as our ecological

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