
Rate Of Development

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Question: Question 1a Answer: Sequence of development means that there is a definite pattern to a child's development. Rate means the speed in which the child develops. The physical development of children is made up of four areas- fine motor skills i.e writing and painting, gross motor skills i.e running and jumping general co-ordination and hand eye co-ordination. Between the ages of 0-3, in a child's first year they learn to gain more control over their bodies. When first born they have very little control over their bodies, movement is a series of reflexes. By 12 months babies will have developed a degree of mobility, they will be crawling, rolling over, some will walk although for some it may be in their second year. Sucking and grasping …show more content…

Usually however they will follow the same pattern in their development. Sequence of development means that there is a definite pattern to a child's development. Rate means the speed in which the child develops. These benchmarks are put in place as a broad average, when a child is expected to reach these benchmarks. The difference between sequential and rate is important, because children will develop at different rates even though the majority will follow the same pattern. In groups of children a child may appear to 'stand out' if they haven't reached the same bench marks as others in their class. Differing patterns in growth may have an effect on a child's behaviour, i.e a boy developing early, voice breaking in the last year of primary school; he may feel 'different'. Question: Question 2a Answer: The rate at which a child develops will be influenced by several differing factors. Under personal factors is Pupils Health Status and Learning Difficulties: Pupils Health A childâ€TMs development may be restricted by poor health, a disability or a form of impairment. These children may not be as able as other children; social activities i.e playing at lunchtime may also be affected. Physical and Emotional Development may also be affected, adults/staff in school should be aware of the child and how best to ensure that they are supported and included. Learning Difficulties If a child has Learning …show more content…

There will be a large number of professional people that will support you and the child. They will all work as a team to plan the right support for the child. A Speech and language therapist is normally external, a communication delay/disorder will be diagnosed by them. The parents and school will be advised by them as to how best to support the child. These speech and language sessions will be delivered in blocks and activities for the child to work on. The school SENCO co-ordinates all the work that these professionals do and ensures that appointments are kept and followed up. They may organise meetings in school between these professionals. A sensory support teacher for example, would come into school to advise on how best to support pupils who have a visual impairment, resources may be supplied to help these children with their learning. There are other external professionals that come into schools to support, everybody works together to ensure that the child has the right level of support including teachers and

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