
Red Man Syndrome

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Other than slowing down the infusion rate, antihistamines can relieve and prevent the effects of red man syndrome. Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine and hydroxyzine administered before the vancomycin dose can help to reduce symptoms of pruritus and erythema. Pretreatment is usually given in IV form with 50 mg of diphenhydramine over the course of one hour. By pretreating with either diphenhydramine or hydroxyzine, red man syndrome can be prevented when the patient receives their first dose of vancomycin. Other than these pretreatments, a combination of an H1 receptor blocker with an H2 receptor blocker such as cimetidine can also reduce the risk of developing red man syndrome.7 In our patient, the IV vancomycin dose should have been discontinued because of the incorrect route and instead, she should have been given oral vancomycin. JZ should also have been given a pretreatment of 50 mg of diphenhydramine to avoid red man syndrome when given vancomycin. …show more content…

M.J. decides to decrease the vancomycin infusion rate to be given over 2 hours, every 6 hours and he also orders diphenhydramine 50 mg

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