
Reflection On Bereavement

Decent Essays

- Reading journal articles related to bereavement/grief and loss have helped me to understand theories of grief and loss in relation to the practice context. For instance, during supervision sessions, I have been able to discuss and reflect on several grief and loss theories, social work theories, ethical theories which will need to be considered while working with bereaved clients. For instance, dual process model, continuing bonds, stress theories etc. have been studied. Hence, throughout this placement, I have been able to explore the theoretical foundations of bereavement work.
- Attending Interdisciplinary team meetings, family meetings, handover meetings, in-service trainings, reading agency policies and procedures, knowledge of bereavement support standards have allowed me to understand the significant role of every individual, families, state, health providers and many more in providing psychosocial care of patients.

- Reading cancer care book and death and dying in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have helped me to update my knowledge and skills to work with bereaved clients from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

- Undertaking a training on effective interviewing, online training on ethical research and reading a book on research methods in palliative care have allowed me to understand the significance of evidence based research in the placement context and generation of new bereavement support model at Clare Holland House.

- Weekly supervision sessions with the social work supervisor have also provided me an opportunity to discuss theories of grief and loss, social work models that would be effective in palliative care and bereavement context.
Field Educator’s comments Evidence of student learning in this area:

Learning Outcome 5. Applying knowledge to practice
- My engagement with clients during family meetings was somewhat passive. I have been playing an observational role. Despite being on an observant role, I was able to show empathy, active listening skill, open body language. Here, I have been applied essential skills of a qualified social worker.

- During my second half of my placement, I have been focused in developing my own practice framework in the

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