
Reflection On Community Language Learning

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Ms. Chilankis instructs group work during the second half of the class period. Five out of six observations show that Bonu is grouped with the same three students with one exceptions. In the regular group, two of the students share the same L1 as Bonu while one doesn’t. During collaborative work, the use of their L1 is allowed. But when the class is back together as one group, English is enforced as they need to explain what they did throughout the group session. This is rather interesting to me, seeing how this is what I consider Community Language Learning as explained in the Celce-Murcia article which gives students the free reign to say what they want with the teacher being the facilitator (2014). During all collaborative sessions, Bonu has displayed her BISC quite a bit. She is able to communicate well through her L1, and through her L2 in all group sessions. Example of this included: Laughing at jokes, regular conversation in L2, and following instructions from the teacher. This was best shown through my second observation, where she was grouped with three students who all had a different L1 than Bonu. Her group was working on past and present tense. Another student had trouble with the difference between was and were, and Bonu explained to the student in English that it’s based off point of view and whether it’s singular or plural. This shows a great example of This shows a good case of Discrete Language Skills that has been explained by Cummins (2005) seeing how she was able to show off her knowledge of grammar. In the interview, it shows that Bonu doesn’t have any concerns about the demographics of the classroom. When asked about her feelings regarding group work and solo works, she explained that she prefers group work. I followed up by asking why, and she said that she likes learning from her peers. She also brought up that she speaks English at home with her two siblings, which explains why she well advanced with her BISC. Throughout this interview, I recognized that all her answers were clear enough for me to understand the scope of how she feels. This is a good showing of Conversational Fluency that was described by Cummins (2005, pg. 7).
When thinking of her CALP, one recognizable

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