
Reflection On Unconscious Thoughts, By The United States

Decent Essays

Unconscious thoughts, coupled with the active thought process often creates a false sense of accomplishment for a human being. When a being is created with so much intelligence, the underlying thought often overlooked is what the parameters of that distinction truly are. Society often hears of heroes throughout history who sacrifice themselves for others, yet do not seem to acknowledge the brave men and woman in the army who sacrifice their most basic human need of survival to ensure the safety of Americans. When put into a situation where the need arises for a person to endanger himself to benefit the mass, it is important to consider what unknowing motive compels him to spring into action.
Many might say there is not much upside to a powerful decision such as being in sense a human sacrifice for a country that shows minimal care. For instance, the common man could drive down the street and in one day would see many war veterans with signs crying out for the needs of their livelihood. Looking at this unbelievable outcome, many might wonder what the factoring reason would be to enlist in a fight where they’re not only fighting a war, but a war with their lone selves and a community that is unwilling to help them. Most might say veterans are disrespected in today’s generation. Some people believe that the old beliefs should be brought back into effect where if a soldier needs a home the soldier would have a home. That in sense could be an ideal solution but society does not

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