
Reflective Analysis : The World Trade Organization

Decent Essays

Reflective Analysis 2: The World Trade Organization
Lionell C. Henderson
Northwood University
MBA 644: External Environment
Richard DeVos Graduate School of Management
Fall 2015 Evening – Cedar Hill, Texas
Professor James Latham

In performing this reflective analysis on countries that are members of the World Trade Organization, I chose the following; Singapore, China, Germany, Japan, and the United States, placing focus on their GDP, trade to GDP ratio, current account balance, contribution to WTO budget, and their rank in the World Trade.I chose these particular members based on the fact, they were either ranked in the top 5 as exporters and importers or they provided a high Trade to GDP ratio. Singapore’s basic indicators …show more content…

Concerning their merchandise trade, the country is doing well in manufacturing, but in that same respect exports and imports are very low and this may be contributing to their negotiating skills at the WTO. The country’s share of the world’s exports and imports are far below that of the industry’s trade leaders, therefore at Singapore’s contribution to the WTO’s budget is 2% as of 2015. With their commercial services trade it’s the same scenario as with merchandise trade, there is very little activity in exports and imports affairs, but this may be due to Singapore’s geographical location which may limit property available for industrial use. Overall, there is an opportunity for growth in Singapore if they do a better job of negating their current trade policies and increase their tariff binding coverage. Efficiency is the key for Singapore with its limited resources. Germany’s basic indicators appear very strong also, with a population of 80,890,000 as of 2014, a GDP of $3, 852,556,000, along with an account balance of $290,326,000, and a trade capital of $39,356. It has a GDP ratio of 85.7. Germany is ranked 3 and 4 for exports and imports in world trade, with a real GDP in 2014 of 106. It displays very strong tariff binding coverage of 100%, and a service sector with GATS commitments of 115. Germany’s contribution to the WTO’s budget is 8% as of 2015, and it does not charge any percent

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