
Relationship Dynamics In The Apology Of Socrates

Decent Essays

Analysis of Relationship Dynamics

The “Apology of Socrates” illustrates an unconventional philosophical text that aims to

give insight into the mind of an individual in contrast to asserting a specific idea of philosophy.

This method of writing conveys a message to the audience in a distinctive way. This brief work

written by Plato describes the dialogue between Socrates and Meno during Socrates’ trial in

which he is accused of deceit and corruption. Over the course of the conversation it is easily

discernible that there is underlying tension between these two characters which leads the readers

to question the dynamics of the relationship. Is Meno really trying to seek justice for Socrates’

actions in which he believes are wrong or is he trying to merely publicly display …show more content…

It is

evident that Socrates is an intelligent teacher and he even makes mention to the good moral

standing of his students, including Plato. It would then seem obvious to bring forward all of his

students to reinforce his teaching methods and how they effectively work in contrast to the

corruption Meno states is occurring. It would seem that if Socrates could show the knowledge of

all of his students he would be acquitted of all charges but yet he does not choose to bring all of

his students to his defense. By attempting to understand the dynamics between Socrates and

Meno we must also consider both the side of the defense and of the accusations in which Meno

brings up. To develop a thorough understanding of both individuals it is essential to have an

unbiased opinion of the argument. If we have an unbiased opinion throughout the process, then

we are able to draw effective and accurate opinions upon the psyche of each person. After a

thorough analysis it is safe to assume that Meno’s accusation lie not only in a belief that Socrates

is a criminal but also because he feels inferior to

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