
Research Article On Sleep Quality And A Randomized Clinical Trial Of Day And Night Shift Workers '

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Research Article Critique Ali Korf Duke University N580: Scholar I Dr. Dren April 13, 2016 Research Article Critique “Sleep Quality in Nurses: A Randomized Clinical Trial of Day and Night Shift Workers” is a quantitative study by Nui, Chu Chung, Lin, Chang, and Chou published in the journal of Biological Research for Nursing (2012). The article aims to compare the amount of recovery time needed by nurses that work the night shift in relation to nurses that work the day shift. In order to determine if a study is eligible to use for developing evidence based practice it is important to critique research articles (Lobiondo-Wood & Haber, 2014) for their quality and applicability. This will determine if the study is relevant and can be applied to nursing practice. That is the purpose of this paper. Title and Abstract The title of this study “Sleep Quality in Nurses: A Randomized Clinical Trial of Day and Night Shift Workers” appropriately portrays the information of the article. It describes the design of the study, a randomized trial, as well as the topic, sleep quality of nurses. Overall it gives a good picture of what the article includes. The abstract provides a nice summary of the article including the purpose, method, results and conclusion of the study. There is no real sense of urgency portrayed in the abstract because the authors fail to explain what the problem is that the study is aimed at researching. The authors do include the applicability of their

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