
Research Paper On Pecola

Decent Essays

Pecola is a little black ugly girl as Morrison states in the book The Bluest Eye. In Pecola’s society she’s surrounded by a ridiculous amount of racism and sadness. If the people weren’t light skinned they were automatically known to have a miserable life or be unhappy. This perspective in her society caused her to believe that the only way she will ever be beautiful if she were white and had blue eyes like them. Pecola seeked happiness and peace within herself, but with all that negativity suffocating her there was no way she could find it in that toxic environment. Pecola was affected tragically because everyone saw her ugly not only because of her complexion, but also her round belly that hold the child of her own father. The hurtful words they told Pecola based on her appearance destroyed her completely. She couldn’t see her true beauty inside of her soul. Pecola was obsessed with her Shirley Temple tea cup because she was obsessed with the idea of “american beauty”. Since many people admired this little white girl, Pecola wanted to be just like her. She wanted to feel loved and involved with not just her community, but also her mom. She felt isolated …show more content…

The community whom she was around endorsed her to make up her own imaginary friend so she was able to have felt loved and surrounded with company. Her imaginary friend led her to believing that she had blue eyes when she didn’t. She was happy to have her imaginary friend because it was the only one who was there for her and would “talk” back to her with positive words. Pecola never felt loved by her family nor her community. Since the baby died in her she was able to turn her life around and make herself happy by creating a person that would be benevolent towards her. This person was the only one she would talk to for the rest of her life because to her that imaginary friend gave her blue

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