
Birthright Citizenship Essay

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Rethinking Birthright Citizenship in the Unites States
In his address to the country on immigration, President Obama said that “being an American is not a matter of blood or birth.” (2015, Klukowski), Would you agree? When you think of America and its constitutional rights afforded to all, it’s very likely that birthright citizenship (under the 14th amendment) is one of the rights that comes to mind- “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” The United States and Canada are the only developed nations that grant automatic citizenship so expansively to children born within their borders. Anyone born in the United …show more content…

Texas has catapulted the birthright citizenship debate into the national spotlight once again, and has rehashed the possibility of it being done away with by congress.
There are three proposed actions to resolve the birthright debate issue: legislating change at a federal level, amending the constitution to revoke birthright citizenship, and getting the Supreme Court to change its interpretation of the 14th amendment. There are arguments for and against each proposed action. Legislating change at the federal level has already been attempted, in 2009 the Birthright Citizenship Act was proposed which specified that in order to be considered a citizen, a child must have at least one parent who is a citizen of the Unites States, is a legal permanent resident, or is an undocumented immigrant serving in the armed forces. Since its proposal the bill has not moved, it remains stagnant in subcommittee (Tuttle 2015); experts doubt its ability to survive court challenges if it were to become law and that it would quickly be struck down as unconstitutional. Those who oppose the law argue that it is fueled by anti-immigrant sentiments, and that putting such stipulations on natural citizenship is unconstitutional and is in direct conflict with the 14th amendment. There is the fear that if congress can pass a law that conflicts with the 14th amendment, it can pass

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