
Rhetorical Fallacies

Satisfactory Essays

Presidential candidate Donald Trump, has used rhetorical fallacious tactics, to persuade his audience into voting for him. Fallacies may exploit emotional triggers in the listener, or take advantage of social relationships between people. For this essay, you will choose one of these two written arguments and construct an account of it, using well-chosen examples to analyze how Trump or Sanders attempts to persuade a specific audience that his claims are logical. Successful papers will do the following: 1. Introduce the rhetorical situation in which the argument takes place. 2. Describe the candidate’s specific thesis, audience, and purpose. 3. Analyze what you see as the major claims, evidence, and logic with which he attempts to persuade the audience. …show more content…

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate’s argument for the intended audience. 5. Reflect thoughtful organization. 6. Focus on analysis rather than summary. 7. Address a reader who has read the chosen argument but who has not analyzed it thoroughly. 8. Reflect careful

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