
Risk Communication Research Paper

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Theories of Risk Communications: Part 1 The purpose of this paper is to review chapters one through four of the course reading and utilizing outside materials to provide support. The paper will address the following:
1. What is a crisis?
2. What is communication?
3. What is a theory?
4. What is the three-stage model?
5. What is Fink's four-stage cycle?
6. What is Turner's six-stage cycle?
7. Describe the CDC CERC five-step model.
8. Describe the hear-confirm-understand-decide-respond model. How is it applicable?
9. Describe the protective action decision model. How is it applicable?
10. How is technology affecting warning systems?
11. Describe issues with organizational learning. Discuss change, healing, sense-making, legitimacy, renewal, …show more content…

The critical point in communication is that the information is not only shared, but understood by the individual receiving the information. Crisis communication is simply the sharing of information and ideas with the common goal of preparing for, reducing, responding, and limiting the effect of the crisis on a group or community (Sellnow & Seeger, 2013). Communication has evolved with the utilization of social media, television, radio, and websites. The goal is to create a common understanding of the …show more content…

Theories allow for the association of observations. Individuals utilize theories to predict and prevent outcomes. “Many developmental theories are grounded in this form of relationship, assuming that A must occur before B can occur and that completing A makes room for B” (Sellnow & Seeger, 2013, p.17). Theories are an asset to be utilized in risk communications. They enable a plan to be made, however they must maintain enough internal flexibility to change and modify with conditions.
The Three-Stage Model The Three-Stage Model is just as the name suggests. It takes a crisis and divides it into three distinct phases. The phases are pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis. Events, decisions, and communications can be evaluated during each of the phases. The model acts as an essential theoretical structure for the comprehension of emergencies and creating methods for management (Coombs, 2007). While the simplicity of the Three-Stage Model allows for its broad use and understanding, it does not allow for all of the detailed nuances of a crisis.
Fink's Four-Stage

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