
Robert Edwin Peary: The First Person To Reach The North Pole

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Today I will be talking about who was the first person to reach the north pole. So Peary discovered the North Pole after eight Trails in 23 years. The North Pole was one of the last remaining laurels of earthly exploration. Robert Edwin Peary was the first person to reach the north Pole. There are two men the reach the North Pole in April 21, 1908 and it was Robert Edwin Peary and Matthew Henson and there were was four more mens that went with them Ootah, Seegloo, Egingway, and Ooqueah on April 6, 1909. So the Americans explorer which is Robert E. Peary sending word from Indian Harbour, Labardon, that he had reached the north pole in April 1909,one hundred years ago in this month. Anyone who read the two headline they would know that the north pole could discovered only once. …show more content…

One of the earliest expeditions to set out with the explicit of reaching the North Pole was that the British naval officer William Edward Parry, who is in the 1827 reached latitude 82 to 45 North. A week later Robert E. Peary were civil engineer and a commander in the U.S.Navy, announced that he had reached the North Pole, by his long time companion by Matthew Henson, and he denounced Cook as a fraud. There were two explorers it was Dr. Frederick A. Cook and the commander was Robert E. Peary. I have always wonder how long it would take to get to the North Pole? Robert Edward Peary was born in Pennsylvania in 1856,he was an American explorer. Cook went to space in 1909, he would claim to have reached the North Pole before

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