
Role Of The National Government And Gender Equality Essay

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Role of the National Government

• Gender equality should be the prime agenda------ governments do not consider gender equality as a priority, gender equality issues are missing from the budgeting process, and women are not present in the financial, peace, and international negotiations, structures and obligations. Government need to mobilize around gender equality agendas in order to create sufficient political will to support the equal inclusion of women in political decision-making.
• Fix some important seats in the cabinet------- Women’s presence within the executive branch is also politically important. The chief executive and the cabinet set the policy agenda of a nation, determine the content of many policies and oversee and guide the policy implementation and administration, including any policies to advance women.
Reserve the few important portfolios for the women-------- female ministers are typically given ‘feminine’ portfolios, such as education, health, social welfare or environment. Moreover, governments do not consider gender equality as a priority, gender equality issues are missing from the budgeting process, and women are not present in the financial, peace, and international negotiations, structures and delegations. The participation of a proportion of women in government in all levels should be established as one of the rules of democracy. All governments should thus include a proportion of women. Men and women alike are fitted to hold government

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