
Sam Cooke Accomplishments

Decent Essays

After watching the Sam Cooke documentary, I immediately knew that it was he who I would be writing my essay on. Although his musical talents alone would undoubtedly place him in the league of musical greats, it was his immeasurable impact on the civil rights movement that defines his life as iconic. His perseverance in his attempts to integrate whites and blacks through music is what, to me, made him so admirable. Cooke’s music career was propelled by the captivating influence he had on the black crowd as a gospel singer. But after observing the events that sparked the civil rights movement: Emmitt Till’s dehumanizing murder and Rosa Park’s prideful stance on the bus, Sam Cooke became unsatisfied with the limited role he had in the music industry. Cooke desired …show more content…

By converting his musical genre to pop and R&B, Cooke was successful in targeting a much vaster, diverse audience. After completing this transition of musical style, his national fame proceeded immediately with #1 hit after #1 hit. Cooke made strides in his goals of integration by making sure that his shows had both white and black audiences; He refused to perform separately for each crowd. At the height of his music career, Cooke was signed with RCA records, where he was second in sales to none other than Elvis Presley. Throughout his rise to the stardom, Cooke’s most influential year was the year of 1964. This year marks his successful 2nd try at the Copacabana club, a predominantly white, affluent, based in New York City, where only the best of the best perform. It was after this spectacular performance where the shift in Cooke’s audience became most evident; whites were now a huge part of Cooke’s fan-base. This was also the year that Cooke became an important member of the civil rights movement, prompting him to release the most influential song of his career. This song, “A Change is Gonna Come”, is undeniably recognized as the staple of the civil rights movement. This gripping,

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