
Sci/275 Week 1 Biology Research Paper

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Learning Target 1: Being a Scientist Final Affirmation: You and the Science of Biology The study of biology is relevant now because it has everything to do with life and life is everywhere on Earth. We can use biology to keep that from changing. Biology has helped us grow food, protect the environment, tell us how the body works, and so much more. Thanks to biology viruses and diseases can also be controlled. Biology has advanced the world so much and without it everything would be completely different. The study of biology will be relevant in the future because it will give the world an opportunity to learn so much more. In the future we might be able to cure cancer because of scientist in the field of biology. The biologist that …show more content…

People, animals, plants, and many more organisms surround us on a daily basis. This will be the same for the future. Biology will help us learn more about the human body, along with other living things, and make advancements to the world. Such things include advancements in medicine and finding an alternative to fossil fuels. 2. Choose 1 of the actions listed at the beginning of this activity. How does the process of cooperating, communicating, and thinking like a scientist relate to that action? When deciding whether of not to support the construction of a new dam, we have to use the process of cooperating, communicating, and thinking to come to a logical conclusion that is best for this world. Cooperating is important because it allows people to work together to come to a final decision by using everyones knowledge. Communication is also needed to tell others your opinion and to share the pros and cons of creating a dam. Lastly, thinking like a scientist is greatly needed. When making a decision like this, bias must be out of the opinions given and facts are needed because creating a dam can greatly affect the …show more content…

When it comes to me personally, biology tells me how I breath, eat, use my brain, etc. The decisions I make all reflect around what biology has told me. It tells me that I should keep a health diet, exercise, and even work my brain to live a healthy lifestyle and that is what I try to do. Biology also plays a huge part about decisions in my community such as heath codes to keep it’s people safe or where to place building so that the environment is disturbed as little as possible. This can also go for decisions regarding the plant as a whole. We don’t want to destroy the ecosystem so precautions are

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