
Searchable Information

Satisfactory Essays

Researcher believe that the availability of big data will be of great impact especially in the medical field. They believe that when medical records are easily available to Doctors, doctors will be able to provide immediate diagnosis and medical treatment to their patients. Using this data is a great benefit to Doctors because they can look up prior successful treatment from other patients to help treat new patient. The challenge Doctors may encounter with so much information is that they may become overwhelmed and incorrectly delays treatment or not provide treatment to their patients. Also, the searchable information can be misleading or misunderstood by the medical provider and he or she based on the searchable information can incorrectly providing the same treatment to all the patient with the same …show more content…

This can be a big problem using the same type a treatment to patients because not all patient will have the same medical outcome. By having all patient medical information doctors can easily and more accurately help diagnosis and treat patients. The impact of only using available information that has been successful in previous patient is that it will not produce new methods to treat a medical condition since no one is examining new research or conducting trials anymore because they are only relying on searchable information. The podcast done by Amy Standen about big data not a cure all in medicine, gives an example of a successful story using searchable data on a girl with lupus which this disease usually affects the immune system and in her case, it affected her kidney. Doctors where successful in treating the patient, but because lupus affect other part of the body and the cause of the disease is unknown it is crucial for continues medial investigation to understand and prevent this

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