
Self-Reliance By Charles W. Eliot

Decent Essays

Introduction "The efficient man is the man who thinks for himself" this is a quote about self reliance by Charles W. Eliot, he was an American academic who was selected as Harvard 's president in 1869 and also attended Harvard. In this essay, I will describe what self-reliance is to me, state my opinion on why being self reliant is necessary and how it can help people in there lives, and I will be creating a plan on how I personally can be more self-reliant based on books I 've read or knowledge I have already about being self-reliant also by living with people who are and knowing close friends who are self-reliant as well. Also in this essay I will make a plan for myself based off my strengths and weaknesses on how to be more …show more content…

I think that being self-reliant means that you make your own decisions, you don 't let people change you from who you are and finally, you always act the same as you would when your by yourself. Being self-reliant to me means simply that you do you.
Why Being Self-Reliant is Necessary Steve Jobs was fired from apple for his temper, his over scheduled meetings, and complaints from other co-workers. This is why being self reliant is necessary, about 5 years later Jobs founded the NeXT Computer using $7 million. A year after that Jobs bought Pixar from Lucas Film’s computer graphics division for the price of $10 million. Later that year Apple announced that it would buy NeXT for $427 million! Apple then welcomed Steve Jobs back to the company because they liked the computer he made so much and thought he would be a good asset to have working with them again. Almost a decade later Steve Jobs admitted that “Getting fired from Apple was the best thing that happened to me.”. Without self-reliance Jobs would have never made his own company and brought it from the ground up and made it back into apple as “Chairman of the Board”. To conclude, Steve Jobs got fired and he turned to being self-reliant and did something he wouldn 't have done had he not been fired from Apple. Steve Jobs got fired from Apple then he became self reliant, created a computer the way he wanted to, then got welcomed back to Apple after they liked his computer so

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