
Serial Killer Research Paper

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A serial killer is defined as a person who commits three or more murders in at least three separate events. These events must include a “cooling off period” between the kills. Serial killers don’t go straight to killing people. Like any other major criminals, less serious crimes are committed before actually going out and committing more severe crimes. Usually, serial killers have a cycle in which they commit their killings, usually during times of high stress. The act of killing appears to give the killer a temporary relief of the pressure. The book Psychopathy, Perversion, and Lust Homicide: Recognizing the Mental Disorders That Power Serial Killers claims that “Crime is found when a criminal personality type comes in contact with the necessary …show more content…

Being a sociopath doesn’t mean that there is a disorder in the mind, it means the illness is of personality and character. Being connected with sociopathy and serial killings often means that one’s conscience is nonexistent, feels no regret, cares wholly for their own desires in life, and lack ability to sympathize with suffering of their victims. The book Serial Murder and the Psychology of Violent Crimes says “serial killers view other people as tools to fullfill needs and desires, no matter how inhumane or cruel they may be. Serial killers are often characterized as being extremely skillful at impression management.” (Kocsis 31) Most of the time, killers are able to play a part of a friendly and a truly innocent person. This helps them avoid suspicion and lure their victims with charm and cunning. Although they are skillful at presentation, they are not alone in trying to project an image that is acceptable to others. This seems to be a normal and healthy human characteristic. Serial killers must kill over and over again simply because they are hooked to the sensation they get when they do. They also find reasons to justify every part and detail of their behavior so that they feel as in there is no motive to stop. They recognize what they’re doing, the significances of their actions, and how to prevent themselves from getting caught. Most serial killers, and psychopaths in general, are what …show more content…

This does not deem them to be insane and certainly does not justify their actions in court. In the criminal justice system, in order for a person to be considered insane the individual must not be able to comprehend what he/she is doing and that it is against the law at the exact time the crime is being committed. Because of the very rigorous definition that the legal system implies for insanity, it’s very rare that a serial killer falls into this category. In Beth I. Cook’s research journal, Serial Killers: Evolution, Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychological Interventions, she states that ,”Antisocial personality disorder occurs in only 3% of men and 1% of women in the general population; however, these individuals are responsible for an excessive amount of crime and violence as well as social distress within society.”

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