
Sex Trafficking In America Summary

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On decemeber 18, 1865 slavery was abolished by Abraham Lincholn why has it become so easy for women and children to have their rights taken away from them? Many can argue that slavery doesnt exist in our society today, yet women all over suffer from slavery as they are taken and forced into the sex trafficking business. If slavery were truely abolished why is it so easy for women and children to become worthless and traded for a few dollars?

Women are not free because they still have to suffer from slavery. Writer Graham Peebles states these facts in his article Trafficking on children and women of india. Would you consider a woman free if you knew she could easily be taken off the streets and forced into a marriage? Elaina Kujar was 14 when she was abducted and made into a slave, where she would spend the next four years of her life with her husband who raped her everynight. defines slavery as a person entirely under the domination of some influence or person. If Kujar …show more content…

Everyday young girls are slaves to pimps, they are forced to give their body up for money only to report to their pimp every night with his money. If someone forces you to sell your body against your own will would you consider yourself free? But the public only notices what they want to notice and writer Tina Frundt comfirms this in her article Enslaved in America: Sex trafficking in the United States. Her article states that many people find it easier to tell themselves young girls would rather be outside late at night in short skirts, tight shirts, and spike heels than actually admit to the possibility of sex trafficking happening in Amerca. Futhermore the pimp can chose to sell one of his “ho’s” whenever he feels like it so is that not a form of slavery? These young girls definately aren’t signing up for this life

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