
Sexual Abuse From Frontline's Rape In The Field

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Sexual abuse is a crime violators execute against people and children of all ages. Nowadays, the most common type of a sexual atrocity seems to be rape. If one does not give consent, then the violator has no right to perform any kind of intimate action. The perpetrator could possibly feel no or little remorse, but this sort of incident has a high chance of affecting a person negatively. There are numerous victims of sexual abuse who are able to move on with their lives, but there are multiple who have been impacted by this and are robbed of daily life experiences.
When a person thinks about sexual abuse, rape may immediately come into mind, but it can occur in different ways. Sexual abuse is defined as “any inappropriate exposure or sexual …show more content…

On numerous occasions, parents are deemed to be the convicts. Dr. Charles F. Johnson says, “more than 90% of abusing parents have neither psychotic nor criminal personalities. Rather, they tend to be lonely, unhappy, angry, young” (“Child abuse”). As a result, it is not safe for an individual because they are more susceptible to be a victim of sexual abuse when they are around an abusive parent. Not only can a human being be abused at home, but in the work environment too. Maricruz Ladino, from Frontline’s documentary called Rape in the Fields, says “there are supervisors who try to use their power to mistreat or abuse people” in her space of work. Not only making it uncomfortable for her to carry out her job, but also dreadful. Situations like these are only a fraction of what actually occurs in our nation. Although people and children are becoming further aware of sexual abuse cases and are being educated about methods of determent, it will not cease a culprit from sexually abusing …show more content…

Anderson depicts how a once friendly girl can gradually change from being all bubbly to pessimistic. Ever since Melinda’s unfortunate mishap, she was no longer the same and that is completely normal because there are children who cannot comprehend what occurs and are not able to cope with all the emotions (“Sexual Abuse” 1). As a result, she shuts people out, spends her time alone, is mute, and isolates herself from others. But throughout the novel she did continue to make progress. Melinda does not want to see Andy hurt anyone else, so she writes an anonymous note and in it said, “he is not what he pretends to be. I heard he attacked a ninth-grader. Be very, very careful… P.S. Tell Greta-Ingrid, too” (Anderson 152). She believes that it is essential for the girls to be careful provided that anything happens. Like Melinda, there are people who use their experience as an approach to reach out to

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