
Should Drinking Age Be Lowered From 21?

Satisfactory Essays

The drinking age should definitely not be lowered from 21 because, drinking can lead a teenager to have many dangerous risk in their life. Such as having a drinking problem or even become a violent person in their future. Also drinking at a young age can lead to have future health problems such as pancreas damage,liver damage,and also damage the brain and the heart. Alcohol can also lead a person to depression which can make a person have suicidal thoughts. Also alcohol doesn't only damage your health, but it could also have effects on women who are pregnant and drink during the 9 months of pregnancy time, it could cause for the baby to be born with birth defects. Young age drinking has become one of the largest issues in America. There is studies that will …show more content…

Alcohol has hurt many different people in many ways,but at a young age teens don't really notice the danger in alcohol they just see it as a way to have fun and relax. When a teenager uses alcohol they put themselves at risk by committing problems, such as being violent, getting in fights, having unprotected sex, getting injured, or maybe even commit a crime. The worst thing about alcohol is that there could be a chance a teenager can be involved in a car accident or even commit suicide. Every year about (19%) of teens are involved in a car accident for drunk driving. Also every year thousands of people die because of a reckless drunk driver. As a teenager being arrested for drunk driving can ruin the rest of your life. You will be charged with (DUI) meaning driving under the influence. In addition after being charged with (DUI) you may have to do time in jail. You will then also be fined thousands of dollars and will have to do community hours to at least pay half of the money, but that is not the only thing left you will also have your license suspended for a period of time of 60-90 days. In addition young drivers will also be given a probation period that will last up to 3-5 years.

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