
Should Professional Baseball Players Be Paid?

Decent Essays

Imagine a darkened evening in the spring the lights are slowly warming up to illuminate the field in which the cleats of the great will graze the grass and scuff up the freshly dragged dirt. The crowd is feeling anxiety to know if the umpire is going to call the pitch a ball or a strike. This is in the mind of every person that comes out to support their local major league baseball team. In recent decades the sport of baseball has become criticized for the amount of money that the owners pay their players for their services. The question On the minds of not only the general public, but to the owners and the fans is the salary paid to the players. Major League baseball players are paid too much.
Supply is the amount of a good or service that is available. Demand is the desire to own something and the ability to pay for it. Ticket prices are set by the level of demand. The higher demand for the tickets, the higher the ticket prices, due to the fact that producers will increase the price because people will pay any price to see their favorite Major League Baseball Player. The public creates a high demand for watching professional sports, but the supply of truly talented athletes is relatively small. A free agent is defined as a person who is able to act freely without being controlled by someone else. A free agent when …show more content…

If the players didn't get the money, the money would be given to the owners. You can argue that owners should get a larger share because they take the investment risk. It would follow that the real problem is too much money being being spent on baseball in the first place. If the sport of baseball disappeared, baseball fans wouldn't take the money they spent on tickets, it away and then give it to a person who is hurting financially. That money would go to movies or basketball games or some other desire to fill the void. It would go directly to the owners of those

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