
Significance Of The Zoot Suit

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There are three iconic symbols of the presence of Mexican Americans in the history of the United States: The role of Mexican Americans in the WWII, the Bracero movement, and the Zoot Suit Riot. All three moments provide insight on the participation of Hispanics in the construction of the American society and more importantly, on the way the Mexican American identity has been constructed and on the ways this community has been considered, in general terms, a group of domestic aliens. As a consequence, Mexican Americans have been segregated and denied equal opportunity historically. However, they are here to stay, an Anglos better learn to deal with their presence. WWII has been a defining event for everyone in the world. No individual …show more content…

This attire became a symbol of identity of Mexican Americans in the California area and those men who wanted to contest the life conditions and the social and economic situation of their community. Wearing the Zoot Suit became a symbol of identity that would later be criminalized. The soot suit consisted of an oversized suit, a very long jacket and exaggerated pants; with very especial characteristics. One of the most distinctive accessories was the watch chain hanging from the pants, between the legs, a symbol of their manhood. The other significant element was the real leather-soled shoes. These two traits were especially shocking for those who did not accept the community: They were symbols of a more open sexuality and a disregard for the rationing policy that reign in the country. The zoot suit became a strong political symbol due to the Zoot Suit Riot and the Sleepy Lagoon murder, two shocking events that derailed the relationships between Anglos and Mexican Americans. The first one occurred on May 31st, 1943, when a group of youngsters dressed in zoot suits were attacked by Anglo youths, many of them in Navy attire. The second one took place on August 1st , 1942 when José Díaz was found death and the crime search focused on men in zoot

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