
Similarities Between Australia And America

Decent Essays

As we are all gathered here today in this humble Australian classroom full of life, love and learning we are accessing what we are entitled to, and that is educational equity which is a measure of achievement, fairness and opportunity in education.
The former president of the United States of America, John F. Kennedy said “A child miseducated is a child lost”. A strong early education increases a students likelihood of attending a good college / university, and achieving good educational standards.

Australia and America have some similarities. Both begin with A, both end in A, and both countries are home to a range of very diverse people. Despite these similarities, what many Australian men and women, boys and girls take for granted isn't …show more content…

Americans believe that the young boys and girls of there country must have the same equal opportunity to learn and achieve regardless of there wealth, district, gender, sexual orientation, race or disability. By depriving the current and future generations of America of an equal education we are depriving them of an equal and fair life.

Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, once said “We are only true to our creed when a little girl born into the bleakest poverty knows that she has the same chance to succeed as anybody else”.
Wealth is whats keeping far too many young American boys and girls from accessing the education they are entitled to. Those children who come from a family of a higher socioeconomic status are privileged and provided the full access to their entitlement, while those from the lower socioeconomic status often miss out because there families are unable to fund there schooling tuitions.

In most states the public education system is divided into local school districts which can be small covering just a small town or enormous covering a whole city. The school districts are responsible for the education policies, planning for changing educational needs in the community and even establishing programmes and the

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