
Similarities Between Common Sense And Thomas Paine

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When the East India Company became a part of the transatlantic trade, who would of thought that it would lead to a revolution on the other side of the world? Woods talks about how Americans believed that “their hopes, their rights and their liberties, were threatened by British power” but their approach to opposition to British power seems very radical. The colonists come out guns swinging. Two years have passed since the massacre, may it be “superficial tranquility”, “Rhode Islanders, angry at the heavy-handed enforcement of the navigation acts, boarded the British naval schooner Gaspée, which had run aground in Narragansett Bay, sank it, and wounded its captain”. This led to the bypass of regular judicial procedures which provoked Virginia. There was a consistent confrontation between the colonists and British Parliament and when they allowed East India Company to “exclusive privilege of selling tea in America”, which was to help the company out of bankruptcy, “it set off the final series of explosions”. Colonists believing it was unconstitutional to implement tax on tea but also letting the company run as a monopoly angered American traders who were excluded from selling. There had been a huge boycott along the eastern ports of the colonists and prevented the unloading of the tea cargo. In the …show more content…

Paine represents the idea of no king is god, which he explains “That the king is not to trusted without being looked after…that the thirst for absolute power is the natural disease of monarchy” and also “there were no kings; the consequence of which was there were no wars; it is the pride of kings which throw mankind into confusion”. These are the things that the newly formed patriots were influence to provide a better government for themselves. There is John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government, Of the State of

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