
Sin In John Steinbeck's The Grapes Of Wrath

Decent Essays

Wrath, oh the feeling……”I HATE YOU!” You make me so mad I could just, I could JUST…...Those are examples of wrath, or pure hatred inside a human-being. Wrath can be caused by an assortment of things, mental issues, grief, misunderstandings, and relationship failures, just to name a few. These feelings are a deadly sin mentioned in the Bible, for it says love is the answer to overcoming wrath. During my personal experiences, I too must sadly admit to being caught in the beginning stages of this sin. In modern society today, anger is the first and “easiest” emotion to go to and it always ends up backstabbing you. The pathetic thing is that a majority of this generation doesn’t even consider God in their minds…..especially when the Bible speaks of forgiveness. Wrath can also be directed from parents towards their own children. What has a child …show more content…

The worst case scenario is when murder branches off of that kind of dislike. If you spend your whole life in blazing hatred, not only are you doing wrong, but the price of this is eternity in a forbidden place. Choose kindness, for it resembles a blanket, and in contrast, wrath is like a burning fire of hatred ablaze in your soul.

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.”
-Ephesians 4:31

Chapter 2,

Greedy people are some of the most disoriented people on Earth. These snobby people may have a lot of “treasures” here, but when they die, most likely not. Keeping all of your items and possessions to yourself is weak. God should come first overall of the meaningless things you “own.” He put you here on Earth, to love Him, not put idols before Him. Greed is very selfish because you could give

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