
Slavery 1680-1860

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The execrable path to freedom
It was simply a low wage job, cleaning, cooking and beckoning to there owners needs. They owned there own property where there families live and attended the local churches every Sunday. With time they had freedom, agreements to be released from indentured servants and free with rights. Indentured servants were quite scarce and expensive and the issue of equal rights presented a major challenge to developing slave states like Virginia. Indentured servants slowly became life long servants, having no chance of release at a certain age. By 1660, laws were being enacted that defined the regulated slave relations. By 1680, slaves were chattel, nothing but property sold as commodities and traded. With slavery came …show more content…

Vermont and Pennsylvania both abolished slavery and in 1808 slaves’ importation was outlawed. In response to the anti slavery movements the panic of 1819 occurred, being the first depression. Slavery was in a major decline and there was commodity inflation. In 1823, US circuit courts declared removal of inhuman treatment of slaves. In 1826, kidnapping is a felony which effectively nullified fugitive slaves act, stopping all ability for slave owners to gain more slaves in the states, and importation of slaves was already outlawed. This hurt the slave trade significantly and put the colonies into the panic of 1837. There was a downturn in the economy, cotton prices fell, inflated food prices and high unemployment all due to the downfall and outlawing of slavery. 1840, An African American by the name of Charles Remond, refused to beat seated at world anti slavery convention because the women were segregated in the gallery, showing the first sign of women’s rights. From 1660 to 1865 a slave trade was established in the colonies creating a free and productive source of labor. Legal rights and freedom were stripped from African Americans, Native Americans, Poor whites and women. The slave trade most definitely built the first colonies of America and established an economy and a means of trade. The colonies were one hundred percent dependent on the production of the slave

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