
Slavery and Pre-Civil War Issues

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Slavery and Pre Civil War Issues 15. Use TWO of the following categories to analyze the ways in which African Americans created a distinctive culture in slavery. Family, Music, Oral Traditions, and Religion Thesis: Despite the oppression of slavery, African Americans were able to keep their culture alive through their music and oral traditions. Topic Sentence 1: African Americans were able to create and preserve a distinctive music culture that helped to showcase their culture in a white dominated society. Concrete Detail 1: African Americans produced music in the United States similar to the music they had in their homelands. The use of instruments made out of gourds as well as clapping would be integrated into their music. Concrete Detail 2: Hymns and songs were often used by African Americans to preserve their culture. They were also used to spread hope and keep morale up. Concrete Detail 3: Later popular forms of music would evolve out of the African American styles. The blues and jazz would become major styles of music in American culture and would show the impact of African Americans on American society. Topic Sentence 2: African Americans used oral traditions to keep their culture alive and to keep their morale up. Concrete Detail 1: Oral traditions were often used to try to preserve their culture. In the evenings, the slaves would gather in their quarters in order to share stories about their homelands. It was also a way to spread hope among the slaves. Concrete

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