
Essay about So You Want to be a Hero

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So You Want to be a Hero:

An Account of Heroism and Narrative Power in Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Though both considered heroes, Beowulf and Sir Gawain are drastically different characters in personality, ability, and perspective. The similarities are few: each performs deeds for which they gain fame and honor, and each is seen, in their own respects, as a paragon of virtue. Two factors immediately stand out as fundamental differences between the texts: Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight suggest fundamentally disparate views of religion and of courtly manners. Superficially, Beowulf displays a distinct lack of either in any but the most rudimentary way, while Sir Gawain is completely permeated with both. These …show more content…

God will preserve his soul. Sir Gawain's chivalry is by the book, as well; after sparring verbally all morning with the as-yet-unnamed Lady Bercilak in a manner worthy of Andrew the Chaplain himself, she trumps him, forcing him to give her a kiss, declaring:

But our guest is not Gawain &emdash; forgot is that thought...
So good a knight as Gawain is given out to be,
And the model of fair demeanor and manners pure,
Had he lain so long at a lady's side
Would have claimed a kiss, by his courtesy,
Through some touch or trick of phrase at some tale's end [III-1293-1301].
She, knowing Sir Gawain would never be un-courtly to a lady, plays his own ethics against him to obtain her desire.

Beowulf describes a world not of Christian harmony and logos but rather of barely restrained chaos, in which life is at best somewhat futile and at worst totally meaningless. Religion and courtly manners have not become as elaborate, and are generally more fluid. Beowulf is judged a hero, then, against different criteria. His deeds are valiant because they bring him reputation and glory: among his very first words to Hrothgar upon his arrival Beowulf proclaims, "the days/ Of my youth have been filled with glory" (Beowulf chapter

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