
Soccer 's Influence On Soccer

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Do you know how soccer started and when it started? Soccer has a very interesting history and how it came around to be the sport it is today. Some researchers have said that the history of soccer has dated back more than 2,000 years ago. Soccer has evolved so much over the years. According to Athletic Scholarships, (2016), the main idea about this subject is how soccer originated and who the first person to create the sport was. There are 240 million people around the globe that play the game of soccer. Soccer has changed from kicking a rudimentary animal-hide ball into kicking the balls that people use today. Records have brought the history of soccer all the way back more than 2,000 years ago. The countries the game of soccer …show more content…

England was the first to have some type of governing body. During the past centuries, there have been dozens of different games, and which the historical development of football has been traced back. Even a long time ago, people recognized the controlling of the ball to be hard. One of the first forms of soccer dated back to China. It was called Tsu Chu and it was played with a leather ball filled with feathers and hair through an opening. There was a small net fixed onto long bamboo cones. They were only able to use their feet, back, chest, and shoulders. Another form of soccer was called the Japanese Kemari. It began around 500-600 years later and can still be found today. Players had to stand in a circle passing a ball to each other, in a small space, trying not to let it touch the ground. In conclusion, there are so many different forms of soccer and different styles of soccer has made it the game it is today. According to Mark Stewart, (Stewart 15) International soccer took a long time to become a real thing and now it is very popular. The first international soccer game would take place in the Olympic games. The first modern Olympics were held in Athen, Greece, in 1896. Soccer had its first chance to play in the Olympics in 1900 at Paris, France. Soccer was the first team sport allowed into the Olympics. When International soccer was first played at the Olympics, England was the first team to win the Olympics for soccer. They were able to beat the

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