
Social Class: The Advantages Of A Non-Natives Class

Satisfactory Essays

There are many ways of discriminating against a minority. It may not be apparent to you that it is going on at FBHS. The Spanish for natives classes, which are not honors, provide an advantage for non-hispanics. I take the natives class, which is basically an accelerated path of Spanish. Since the first class teaches what a non-natives class considers 1 and 2. The second teaches Spanish 3 and 4. This accelerated path is on a 4.0 scale. An accelerated path of math which is three classes in two years is on a 4.5 scale. Spanish for natives is 4 classes in 2 years. So, Spanish for natives is a more rigorous course, with a lower scale. I know peers of mine that have lied about being bilingual so they will have an easier class. It is a shame to

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