
Social Classes In Victorian England

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During the Victorian Times in England, everyone was grouped into social classes. This is also known as classism. There were three categories: the upper class =, middle class, and the lower class. Problems had occurred do to classism. Class war fair still exists to a degree in todays society.
The upper class consisted of royalty, Dukes, Nobles, Aristocrats, and other wealthy families. People who belonged to the upper class had a better way of life than most. People in the upper class never had to worry about money. Tutors aided in the education of the upper hierarchy. Many people ran major industries such as shipping or mining. With money being no object, many were able to purchase imported goods from Europe. One of the goods were expensive clothing. This caused many to be jealous. Food was not a problem for the elite. During meal times, it was an opportunity for the wealthy to display their wealth. Sometimes there would be up to twenty dishes served at once. They also had good etiquette. The upper class of the Victorian times in England had a better and more enriched life than others. …show more content…

The class had two categories. The working and elite. Some of the occupations they held include: medicine, law, bankers, retail, trade, etc. Families and/or individuals who earned over £150 were able to afford and hire domestic help. Women during this time were servants, maids, cooks, etc. Men were the head of the household. They were able to afford some food. On occasion they could afford bacon, cheese, or sausage. The middle class made up fifteen percent of the population. Although the middle class worked, they were not seen as rich nor

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