
Spanking Persuasive Speech Outline

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Spanking Is Violence
I. Introduction
A. Violence is physical harm done to another individual, through aggressive behavior. So, what do we call picking up a belt, slapping, hitting and striking the child with an item? I want to challenge your minds and hearts to dig deep when you were being hit by your parents or guardians, was it truly out of love, love does not beat you, physically or mentally.
B. Out of this Speech class, 97% of you were spanked and 3% were not, so majority of you have experienced physical punishment for something that you’ve done.
C. I’m credible to give this speech because of the strenuous amount of research I conducted on this topic.
D. Spanking is negative because it’s a form of physical and corporal punishment.
E. …show more content…

According to Parenting Article by Dr. Phil, “Long-term consequences of spanking can include increased aggressiveness, antisocial behavior, and delinquency.” According to Elizabeth Landau article from CNN, “A new study of more than 2,500 toddlers from low income families found that spanking may have detrimental effects on behavior and mental development.” According to the American Psychological Association, written by Brendan Smith, Many studies show that physical punishment in a child, consist of spanking, lashing and causing pain escalates anti-social behavior, hostility, and mental health problem s for …show more content…

Argument 2
1. Spanking can deter the child from feeling close to their parents; feel less attached to them.
2. Nadine Block, author of: “This hurts me more than it hurts you”, in her books she gives examples of children sharing how spankings huts them and they prefer their parents not to spank them. Bodily punishment puts a detachment amongst the parent and the child; this distance is particularly disturbing in home situations where the parent-child relationship may already be weakened, such as single-parent homes or in blended families. “It’s hard to love the hand that hits them”, quote from Ask DR. Sears the trusted resources for parents.
3. When a child is getting hit, they feel like there hated and no one loves them. Therefore, children start putting up walls around their heart, to protect themselves. Also, when they become an adult, they can become a cold and heartless person who is unable to love.
4. I will share with you a personal testimony from my friend, Brya Anderson that shared with me she was physically abused by her dad her spankings would be for everything. Because of this she became afraid of her dad and she grew distant from him, till this day she does not have personal relationship with her dad because of all the spanking she received when she was growing

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