
Speaking Evaluation

Decent Essays

While learning different techniques to publicly present information, we also learned the importance of evaluating your own speaking performance. A proper evaluation can help increase your speaker-audience connection. A strong audience connection can enhance the power of a speech and is why we have chosen to do our speeches extemporaneously in this class as it has the most impact in given situations. Personally I am not comfortable with public speaking so this class has challenged and helped me grow as a person. We have given a total of three speeches so far in this class so I will be evaluating the introductory, informative, and persuasive speeches. After carefully watching each of my speeches I have begun to realize some strengths and weaknesses …show more content…

In my persuasive speech I bring up some points and simply do not elaborate on them. This can be seen specifically when I talk about personal vendettas or the eligibility of organ donors. With my citations I need to make sure to give credit where it is due and give a citation with each fact. There are times, like in both of my main point ones, where I give a bunch of information and then cite a source at the end which lumps the information all together. Although I incorporated a citation from the sources I took information from, I had already presented numerous amounts of facts and ideas from said sources so it makes it unclear where all of my data had come from which took away from my …show more content…

Some of my biggest flaws that I will need to improve upon is weak eye contact, having enough citations, elaborating on unfinished points and not being dependent on my notecards. I excelled in my introductory, transition and conclusion statements as well as maintaining a good presence and providing factual information. These speeches have been challenging for me as presenting is not something I look forward to doing and is something I have avoided in the past. This class has forced me to face a fear and grow as a person which I am thankful for as I hope to continue to better my presenting skills and control my anxiety while doing

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