
Speech On Freedom Of Speech

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Safety first Our environment, culture, religion, parents and personal experiences influence our thoughts and actions. They shape us to be similar if not the same to theirs. When teens or young adults leave their home and face the world their beliefs are challenged at times. Public Colleges often seem to be a freedom of speech battle ground, with many students wanting their ideas to be heard and respected. Famous 19th century poet, Oliver Wendell Holmes, agrees by saying “The very aim and end of our institutions is just this: that we may think what we like and say what we think”. In recent years’ freedom of speech and press has grown exponentially because of social media. It is extremely important to handle that amount of freedom responsibly because it can turn violent quickly. That is why some colleges across America have tried to keep a grip on freedom of speech to protect every student. College institutions are there to help the students think what they want but not necessarily say what they think, because violence has been mixed in and colleges should focus on student’s security and help students respect one another. To begin, it is important to view freedom of speech in different perspectives. Not only first hand, but also the person or group one is referring. Will they feel threatened; will they feel uncomfortable or will their rights be attacked? For example, politics are a hot topic right now and there are people speaking out from both ends. Those who support the President and his political party have spoken out and supported him. On the other hand, those who believe the President is doing things wrong have also spoke out. It is not surprising that a lot of the protests and movements involve young adults, especially college students. That is because in school we are flooded with so much information. Not only that, but we are challenged by our professors to think outside the box and explain why we do or say certain things. This has led to intense protests on college campuses and even acts of violence. The most recent and explosive act of violence was at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. There was a Unite the Right rally scheduled and there were rumors of white nationalists and

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